310 items
Agreement with Amazon for films and television series
Posted in: Further to its announcement on 18 December 2023, Games Workshop is pleased to announce that it has now agreed creative guidelines and reached a final agreement with Amazon Content Services LLC, a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc., ("Amazon") for the adaption of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe into films and television series, together with associated merchandising rights.
Under the terms of the agreement, Games Workshop has granted exclusive rights to Amazon in relation to films and television series set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, together with an option for Amazon to license equivalent rights in the Warhammer Fantasy universe following the release of any initial Warhammer 40,000 production.
Production processes in respect of films and television series may take a number of years.
The Company makes no change to its forecast for the 52 week period ending 1 June 2025.
Agreement to develop films and television series
Posted in: Further to its announcement on 16 December 2022, Games Workshop is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Amazon Content Services LLC, a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc., ("Amazon") for the prospective development by Amazon of Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe into films and television series, together with associated merchandising rights.
Under the terms of the agreement, Games Workshop has granted exclusive rights to Amazon in relation to films and television series set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, together with an option for Amazon to license equivalent rights in the Warhammer Fantasy universe following the release of the initial Warhammer 40,000 production.
Games Workshop and Amazon will work together for a period of 12 months to agree creative guidelines for the films and television series to be developed by Amazon. The agreement will only proceed once the creative guidelines are mutually agreed between Games Workshop and Amazon.
A further announcement will be made in due course.
The Company makes no change to its forecast for the 53 week period ending 2 June 2024.
Director Shareholding
Posted in: Games Workshop has released a director share dealing notification. This can be downloaded as a pdf here.
Director/PDMR Shareholding
Posted in: On 16 February 2023, Kevin Rountree, Chief Executive Officer of Games Workshop, entered into an irrevocable undertaking to automatically reinvest the full amount of every dividend received by him to purchase fully paid up ordinary shares of 5 pence each (“Ordinary Shares”) in the Company under the Company’s dividend reinvestment plan, during the period beginning on the date of the irrevocable undertaking, and ending on the earlier of:
(i) 12 months from the date of the undertaking; or
(ii) the date on which Kevin Rountree’s employment with the Company ceases.
All future purchases of Ordinary Shares made by Kevin Rountree pursuant to this undertaking shall be announced accordingly.
Posted in: Games Workshop Group PLC announces that the Board has today declared a dividend of £1.30 per share, in line with the Company’s policy of distributing truly surplus cash. Including this dividend, total dividends declared in the year so far are £2.95 per share (2021/22: £1.65 per share, as at January 2022). The dividend of £1.30 per share will be paid on 24 February 2023 for shareholders on the register on 20 January 2023, with an ex-dividend date of 19 January 2023. The last date for elections for the dividend re-investment plan is 3 February 2023.